"Rogue One A Star Wars Story" Theory: Jyn Erso Survived?!

 Finally! A theory about Rogue One, which is NOT a horrible, unemotional movie in my eyes. I really liked Rogue One. I don't think it is as good as the originals, but what movie could top that? I think it is the best modern Star Wars movie made up to this point. If you want to read about my thoughts on how GOOD Rogue One was, I will be writing a separate post on that. For now, I'm going to share a theory with you that I thought up almost entirely myself. And this is my theory that Jyn Erso survived the end of Rogue One.
 Now, off the bat you might be thinking this already sounds crazy, because, obviously there is NO way in the Galaxy that anyone could've survived the explosion, right?
 Well, you'd be smart to suspect that, but there is actually one way that Jyn could've survived, and that's because of the small kyber crystal on her necklace.
 And before you click off the article, remember that kyber crystals actually seem to grant low-level force powers and survival. If you didn't know this, there's plenty of evidence for it. You may think kyber crystals are just used as a power source, but in Star Wars reality, it really does seem like they contain hints of force power. Chirrut, the blind Chinese man, has a connection with the force, even though we know for a fact that he is not a Jedi. But if he's not a Jedi, then why is he force sensitive? Well, because of his constant exposure to kyber crystals. Remember the city on Jheda is built on top of huge deposits of kyber crystals. And unlike many of the people walking around in the city, who are just visiting, Chirrut seems to live there, giving him tons and tons of exposure to kyber. Remember how Chirrut could sense the kyber crystal on Jyn's necklace.
 Also remember Lyra, Jyn's mom, was originally supposed to be a Jedi in the film. The idea was scrapped, but it does seem like she did have a bit of force power, from her kyber crystal, which she may have passed onto Jyn when she gave her the kyber crystal necklace. Did you notice how Lyra tells Jyn to "trust the force" as she gives Jyn the kyber crystal.
 Another interesting fact about the necklace is that it seems to protect whoever wears it. When Lyra gives Jyn the necklace, she is killed almost immediately. And since Jyn obtains the crystal, she continually survives life-threatening situations. She avoids close laser blasts. She voids falling from high places. She survives a rebel bomb run on an imperial base. She avoids being shot off the data spire even when Cassian gets knocked off of it. This all can't be just a coincidence, or some sort of being-the-main-character-luck. This HAS to be more than that. In other words, this theory actually does seem to make sense on paper.
 But even with all this evidence, there still seems to be one fatal flaw. The Death Star's ray is powered by kyber crystals. Even if Jyn's crystal could have protected her, could it have protected her from a huge blast from a ray powered by MORE kyber crystals than she had?
 Well, actually it seems it could have. You see, they weren't hit by the actual laser of the Death Star, just the impact. And, might I add, they were hit with it several seconds after it formed. So the impact itself wouldn't have any kyber power in it.
 But, it would still, at minimum, have the equivalent blast force as a low-grade nuclear bomb in the real world. And obviously even a low-grade nuke would have more power than even an Imperial Star Destroyer.
 However, there is still a way that Jyn could have survived, and it still involves the kyber crystal. If the crystal had force power, it could have possibly protected her from the blast. Bear in mind, she wouldn't have just been swallowed up by the explosion. Blasts of that size and magnitude don't usually work like that. She would have been knocked back from the blast force, but the force could've protected her from any impact into the ground she might have experienced. Remember how Jedi are protected by the force the same way when they survive falls from great heights. Luke, Anikin, Obi-Wan, and Mace Windu have all fallen from stupidly high places and not only survived, but done so almost unaffected by the fall. With all that in mind, the idea of Jyn Erso surviving the impact doesn't seem far-fetched at all.
 Bear in mind we never actually SEE her die on-screen. All we really see is the light that shrouds them. We don't even really see the explosion reach them all the way.
 But perhaps some of the best evidence for this theory comes from the directors and crew themselves. In early drafts of the film, before the re-shoots, concept art was released that showed Jyn looking at a hologram image of the Death Star plans.
 This implies that in an earlier version of the film, they wanted her to survive. The director of the film, Gareth Edwards, even flat out said on an article that Jyn was going to survive. So who's to say they didn't hold onto that idea? It seems the kyber necklace is a token of the original plan for Lyra to be a Jedi, so...
 If you still don't agree, and think that it really is impossible for Jyn to have survived, just remember Darth Vader's iconic words:
 "The ability to destroy a planet is insignificant next to the power of the force."
                                                                                          - Darth Vader       


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