Disney's "Moana" Theory: Who is Tamatoa?

Hello everyone. If you're like me and believe all the Pixar and most of the Disney movies are all inter-connected and in the same universe, then there's nothing more fun than searching for Easter eggs in the movies, and the new-ish Disney movie Moana is no exception. The movie is full of cameos and references that are super cool. Some are simply throwbacks to other Disney/Pixar movies, like the Kakamora (the coconut pirate things) soldier wearing Baymax face paint,
or the Marshmallow (The giant ice monster from Frozen) cameos.
 While others like the Genie lamp seen in Tamatoa's shell lead to all sorts of theories.
 [No image; sorry :( ]

 One of my favorite theories about Moana is that Tamatoa may have been the Genie's last master before Aladin. What's the evidence?
 Well, for starters, the Genie's master before Aladin was big. We know this because Genie, upon noticing Aladin after released from the lamp, remarks how Aladin is "a lot smaller than his last master." Tamatoa, a giant crab, certainly fits the size part of this.
 The timeline also fits. Moana takes place at least one thousand years before Aladin. This is confirmed by the timeline and Genie himself, as he says " A thousand years 'll give you a real crick in the neck!" as if it has been a thousand years since he's been out of the lamp. This would have to mean he last had a master a thousand years before the events of Aladin, around the time of Moana. This timeline also throws off another theory, that Tamatoa's lamp might be Genie Jafar, when he was enslaved as a Genie. The timeline just doesn't add up. So we know it's the original, blue, good guy, main character, Aladin's Genie that we're talking about. 
 There are also certain features about Tamatoa that don't make sense unless he had a magic Genie at one point. For instance, Tamatoa tells Moana in his "I'm Really Shiny" song that once he was just a regular crab. If he had three wishes from the Genie, one of his wishes could've been super human (or should I say super crab) size. Magical wishes could also explain his dwelling in The Realm Of Monsters, and not on Earth. I mean, I'm pretty sure a regular crab couldn't have just wandered into The Realm Of Monsters.
 Another feature of Tamatoa is the way he acts. He breaks the Fourth Wall a lot, like the Genie does, and as well as that Tamatoa also talks and acts a lot like him. This could simply be a throwback to the Genie, but if Tamatoa knew him, the Genie's habits might have rubbed (no pun intended; you know, rub the lamp) off on Tamatoa (or maybe the other way around, but I sincerely doubt that).
 So if Tamatoa wished for huge size and the ability to go to The Realm Of Monsters, what about the last wish? Maybe it was super-strength. Tamatoa does have several hundred pounds of treasure on his back, which he hauls around tirelessly even when running after Moana and Maui.
 So what do you think? Has Tamatoa ever worn the mantle of one of Genie's masters? Or is he just a crab who mysteriously became huge, possesses extraordinary strength, lives in The Realm Of Monsters, and just so happens to have a Genie lamp on his back? Leave your thoughts in the comments and share the post. Bye for now! 


  1. I thought Genie says, "Ten Thousand Years will give you such a crick in the neck."


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