Pacific Rim Conspiracy: What Is Tresspaser's Category?

The movie "Pacific Rim" took the giant monster genre truly to the next level. I mean, who can resist a movie about giant robots fighting a war against alien monsters that gave Cloverfield a run for his money? It was seriously the dominant giant monster movie of the modern age until the Monsterverse's first movie, 2014 "Godzilla". But as cool as Knifehead and Otachi were in "Pacific Rim", One Kaiju was especially interesting, especially as I started researching the lore of the film. The kaiju I found the most interesting was Trespasser, the first Kaiju invader.  
 Any Pacific Rim fan knows who Trespasser was. The first Kaiju to emerge from the Breach. We all (at least, I do) want to see more of this Kaiju, to truly know what happened in California. To my amazement, there's actually a conspiracy about him.
 Warning: SPOILERS. If you haven't seen the movie, this article may contain spoilers.
 There has been some debate about the category of Trespasser. Most assume that since he was the first Kaiju, he was probably a category 1. This may be correct, but as many have pointed out, he is way bigger than most of the other kaiju that come after him, until category 3 Kaiju. That's really big.
 He's even bigger than a few category 4 Kaiju, Mutavore, Otachi, and Leatherback. Here's a Kaiju size chart to show you:
 He's also the only Kaiju featured in the film with an orange glow from his mouth, and orange veins, while most of the other Kaiju have blue veins and mouths that glow blue.
 One of the most puzzling pieces of evidence, is that he managed to survive THREE nukes before dying. The other pre-Jaeger Kaiju usually died from one nuke. The nukes probably got more powerful as the attacks progressed, but even so this is still amazing.
 There is one theory that Trespasser may have been a category 5 Kaiju. This could be the case, however I can't imagine why the Precursors (the alien race that created the Kaiju) would start with a cat. 5 and then go back to cat. 1s and 2s and such. But his skin color does look very similar to Slattern's, the cat. 5 Kaiju in front of 2014 Godzilla on the chart. So what category was he?
 Was he a cat. 5, or a cat. 6? Was he an un-categorized Kaiju prototype sent by the Precursors to test the strength of our weapon? Or was he just the only cat. 1 sent, making him seem like the odd one out? What are your thoughts on this?
 Let me know what you think and what your opinions on this are in the comments. And don't forget to share, so others can read this too. Look out for my next post. And be careful on the Golden Gate Bridge. It's a monster target!        


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