Rick And Morty Theory: What Did Rick Do?

 OK, so my blog's called "Movie Stuff", but I never said I wouldn't be doing some super popular shows as well. This post is actually the first of a few future posts concerning some interesting Rick And Morty theories. So let's start with one of the most interesting: what is Rick's crime.
SPOILER ALERT: If you have not watched to the end of season two and the first episode of season three of Rick And Morty, go watch it and come back. Without further ado, let's begin.
 So the main theory on Rick's crime, and the one I believe is at least true to some degree, is that Rick Sanchez is a cereal destroyer of worlds. The reason I say this is true to some degree is because we actually do see Rick destroy planets, universes, and take part in apocalyptic events such as The Purge.
 We see rick destroy at least the Earth of his C137 dimension in what has become one of my favorite episodes of Rick And Morty, "Rick Potion Number 9". Sure Rick didn't intend at first for the people to turn into mantis monsters and Crononburgs, but remember Rick tries only twice to cure the world, and then he just gives up, just like that. I mean, if I was a mega genius, and the people of my dimension were turning into Si-fi monsters, I'd probably try more than just twice before calling it a day. But instead of working tirelessly, Rick just finds another dimension for him and Morty to live in, and just goes there, leaving the Summer, Beth, and Jerry of C137 behind. Morty is traumatized having to switch dimensions, but Rick just has a beer and watches T.V.. His whole demeanor suggests that maybe he's done this before, possibly more than once.
 "But Variks," you may be thinking. "You said it yourself, Rick unintentionally destroyed the world. Yes, he gave up on it, but does that make him a destroyer of worlds?" Well, no, it actually doesn't by itself. But we actually see him intentionally destroy and/or mess up worlds. He takes part in The Purge on that one planet, which he must have known is something that could possibly destroy all civilization on the world. On a much larger scale, he destroys two entire universes within his car battery. Yes he indirectly played a hand in creating them, but that's pretty serious, especially once you consider the fact that Rick isn't bothered by any of this one bit. He takes part in The Purge because he wants to have fun killing everyone, he burns down his shops in episodes because he gets "bored" with them. In the first episode of season three, Rick steals the power source of a whole city, plunging them back into a whole apocalyptic age of darkness and war. Clearly, there is something big going on here.
 Perhaps the REAL reason Unity left Rick is because she knew that he was a destroyer of worlds, and perhaps didn't mind, until she saw his antics in action, on her world. Think about it. Just one evening partying with Rick caused Unity to lose control of the people. Her whole hive civilization almost collapsed, overnight. Because of Rick. Now this one also seems unintentional, but still, we can kind of relate to how Unity must have been feeling. No wonder Summer said Rick was a bad influence on her.
 Even Bird Person said Rick "Has the power to both save or destroy worlds". Another odd, out-of-place detail, until you consider how it might be literally true.
 When Rick is jailed at the end of season two, an inmate asks Rick: "What are you in for?", To which Rick mysteriously answers: "Everything." Does Rick seem like the kind of guy who's mysterious and likes to keep things close to the vest? No way. He's literally broken every law on worlds because he's destroyed the worlds that had the laws.
 But a really interesting piece of evidence is the end scene of the opening sequence that takes us to the title screen in every episode:
 If the monster Rick, Summer, and Morty are flying away from looks familiar, it's because it is Cthulhu, the legendary destroyer of worlds. But unlike most cut scenes in the opening sequence which come into episodes at some point, this one isn't in season one, two, or three (so far). And I don't believe it will be in an episode for real ever. Why? It is a reference to Rick, who is also a destroyer of worlds.
 But we can take this even further. In this cut scene, The main characters are in Rick's car. Usually, Rick takes the car when they are traveling to other planets in their universe, but usually when they travel to other realities they don't take the car, because it's too big to fit through the portals made by Rick's portal gun. So in this cut scene, it is safe to say that they are on a planet somewhere in reality C137, Rick's home world. This is another cross reference from Cthulhu to Rick.
 There are deeper elements to this as well. For instance, is it possible that Rick destroys worlds so often he doesn't know which one he's in?
 When Rick and Morty drop Jerry off at the Jerry Day care, Rick fills out a form. He lists his dimension as C137, but for Jerry's dimension he puts as non applicable. That's an odd detail. You may think that Rick just doesn't care, but this is an official form we're talking about here. I don't think it's allowed to put N/A on a form regarding a home dimension unless you genuinely don't know.
 So there you have it. Rick Sanchez, like Bill Cipher from Gravity Falls (another show that might be connected with Rick And Morty) is a destroyer of worlds. At least, that's the theory.
 I'll be writing on theories about Rick And Morty in the future. Until then, comment on and share this post, and bye for now!       


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