Is E.T. A Jedi?

Hello everybody! For this post, we'll be taking a look at a fan conspiracy theory about Star Wars. Be sure to comment, share, and tell your friends and/or families about my blog. Enjoy!
 The image above shows E.T. creatures in a senator pod in Star Wars The Phantom Menace. This cameo has given rise to many fan theories, all trying to explain the appearance of E.T.s. Are E.T. and Star Wars set in the same universe? Due to the long friendship between George Lucas and Stephen Spielberg, it was probably nothing more than a fun Easter egg, right?
 Well, there's a Wookieepedia article of the Star Wars E.T. beings, in which it states that these ones are called "Grebleips", which is "Spielberg" spelled backward. The Grebleips come from the planet Brodo Asogi, a lush green planet, another link to E.T.'s story. However, Wookieepedia is open for anyone to edit, and in E.T. itself, cameos of Star Wars figures and costumes (which was possibly the origin of the whole Easter egg) indicates that Star Wars is fictional in the E.T. universe.
 But here's a fun conspiracy within a conspiracy: what if E.T. was a Jedi? This would explain why E.T. is able to use telekinesis and stuff like that. Jedi also tend to be resourceful, like E.T. is. E.T. was smart enough to build a distress machine from scraps on a world completely alien to him, with alien resources. Remember how Obi-Wan managed to survive on Tatooine for years, able to scare away Sand People? Or how Luke fought and killed a Rancor without his lightsaber?
 Another possible manifestation of Jedi stuff in E.T. is the theme. E.T. has a special bond with Elliot, the little boy who he leads. In fact, Elliot is the only one of E.T.'s human friends who he asks to come with him to his world (which was possibly Brodo Asogi given that Brodo Asogi is in the Outer Rim, possibly close to our galaxy). E.T. also makes some kind of odd, possibly Force-related connection between him and Elliot. Was E.T. the master and Elliott the apprentice? Probably not in the same, classic way as in Star Wars, but still...
 Now I know what you're probably thinking right now, "But Variks, E.T. can make his finger light up and heal injuries and stuff like that, and Jedi can't do that. What gives?"
 Well actually, I have an answer to this. If you pay close attention towards the beginning of E.T., when several members of E.T.'s species are collecting plants on Earth, there is a moment when all of them are startled by some noise, possibly an owl, and all of them light up their chests. This ability seems very similar to E.T.'s ability to light up his finger and use to heal injuries. Thus I believe that this particular ability is just natural to E.T.'s species. On the other hand, we don't see any other members of E.T.'s race using telekinesis like E.T. himself does, and that IS very similar to the way Jedi and Sith use the Force to manipulate matter and move objects. 
 As I mentioned a moment ago, Brodo Asogi is in the Outer Rim of the Star Wars galaxy, like Tatooine. Assuming that it's on the side of the galaxy that's closest to our quadrant of the universe, this would make them closer to our galaxy than most other worlds. Plus, they're galactic botanists. They'd probably wind up on Earth sooner or later, regardless of the locations.
 Since the events of even the original Star Wars happened "A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...", the events of E.T. would have to happen thousands, possibly millions of years after the events Star Wars. Plenty of time for the Grebleips to collect all the plant samples from the Star Wars galaxy and move onto ours, eh?
 It is also worth noting that in deeper Star Wars lore, the Grebleips senators funded an expedition to another galaxy. How much evidence do you need? Do you even need to guess what galaxy it is? 
 What do you think? Is E.T. a Jedi? Will Star Wars episode 8 connect further into the E.T. universe? Share your thoughts in the comments, and be sure to catch my next post!            


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